BitHull Waives off Custom Fees for its Miners_时代人物智库_
BitHull Waives off Custom Fees for its Miners
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COPENHAGEN, DENMARK - EQS Newswire - April 14, 2020 - BitHull S.A. ( ) is pleased to announce a 100% waiver on custom fees for its new crypto miners BH Miner and BH Miners Box. A technology company developing next-generation hardware for cryptocurrency mining, BitHull S.A has designed these products to make crypto mining simple, convenient and profitable for the newbies as well as experienced miners.

Both BH Miner and BH Miners Box utilize the latest FPGA technology that delivers exceptionally high hash rates in spite of low power consumption. These multi-algorithm miners can be used for mining Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero at home because they generate almost no noise.

To maximize the profit for its customers, BitHull has designed its miners to deliver extraordinary hash rates. BH Miner, the basic product from the company, offers hash rates of 360 TH/s, 60 GH/s, 15 GH/s, and 3 MH/s for Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Monero respectively, with a moderate power consumption of 550 watts. BH Miners Box is a larger unit combining six BH Miners, offering six times higher hash rates compared to BH Miner.

BitHull informs that BH Miners Box is capable of generating monthly profits between $8,000 and $30,000, depending on the coin mined. Now, by waving off the custom fee for its customers, the company has further enhanced the profitability of its miners.

The term hash rate refers to the speed at which a computer is able to perform hashing computations. In the context of cryptocurrency mining, it represents the efficiency and performance of a mining machine. A higher hash rate creates a better chance of receiving the block reward. Therefore, the hash rate is directly proportional to a miner's profitability.

时代人物智库   2020-04-15 14:15:31 作者 来源: 文字大小:[][][]
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