2014信息系统和计算机网络国际会议 [ 会议基本信息 ] 会议名称(中文): 2014信息系统和计算机网络国际会议 会议名称(英文): 2014 International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON) 所属学科: 计算机应用技术,计算机网络,信号与信息处理,通信技术 开始日期: 2014-03-01 结束日期: 2014-03-02 所在国家: 印度 所在城市: 印度 具体地点: Mathura, India 主办单位: Computer Society of India GLA University Mathura 协办单位: 承办单位: 议题:
[ 组织结构 ] 会议主席: 组织委员会主席: 程序委员会主席: 会议嘉宾: 姓名 职务 简介 演讲题目
[ 重要日期 ] 全文截稿日期: 2013-11-25
[ 会务组联系方式 ] 联系人: Prof. Charul Bhatnagar 联系电话: +91-9997077388 传真: E-MAIL: charul@gla.ac.in 通讯地址: 邮政编码: 会议注册费: 会议网站: http://www.gla.ac.in/iscon14/ 会议背景介绍: The computer networks is an emerging domain and a basis for wide variety of research covering various kinds of network like distributed network, ad-hoc network, sensor network, content centric network, grid computing, peer to peer networks, different wireless networks, etc. The networks domain has generated challenges for transmission of various data formats in secure form, making technology available for real time data exchange and so on. Up-to-date, complete and accurate information has now become a necessity to survive in an increasingly competitive world. Modern organizations become more and more dependent over information systems to deal with the complexity and changeability of the modern system. Information Systems addresses the challenges for the gathering, processing, storing, distributing and use of information, and its associated technologies, for society and organizations. The 2nd International Conference on Information Systems and Computer Networks (ISCON-2014) will take place in Mathura during 1st - 2nd March 2014. It will be organized by GLA University, Mathura, Uttar Pradesh, India. 征文范围及要求: The submission are invited under the following tracks(but not limited to):
Information Systems
Database Security and Transaction Support Data Warehouses and Data Mining Information Retreival Software Engineering AI and Decision Support Systems Internet Technology Image Processing and Computer Vision
Computer Networks
P2P Networks Cloud & Grid Computing Network Management and Traffic Engineering Wireless Networks: Ad-hoc Networks, Sensor Networks Embedded Systems Opportunistic Networks