中欧逻辑语言计算暑期学校 _时代人物 智库_http://www.ems86.com/index.php
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[ 会议基本信息 ] 会议名称(中文):  中欧逻辑语言计算暑期学校 
会议名称(英文):  The Third East-Asian School on Logic, Language and Computation (EASLLC 2014) 
所属学科:  哲学 
开始日期:  2014-07-02 
结束日期:  2014-07-08 
所在国家:  中华人民共和国 
所在城市:  北京市     海淀区 
具体地点:  清华大学 
主办单位:  清华大学 北京师范大学 北京逻辑学会 阿姆斯特丹大学 

[ 组织结构 ] 会议主席:  
会议嘉宾:  姓名 职务 简介 演讲题目

[ 重要日期 ]
[ 会务组联系方式 ] 联系人:  
E-MAIL:  easllc2014@gmail.com 
会议网站:  http://www.phil.pku.edu.cn/cllct/ann_content.php?msgid=437 
会议背景介绍:  The Third East-Asian School on Logic, Language and Computation (EASLLC 2014) will take place at Tsinghua University, China on July 2-8, 2014.  The event will start with an international workshop “Current Trends in Logic” on July 2, continue with the school on July 3-8. The program of the School will consist of six courses on logic in its interdisciplinary width. The courses cover logic, philosophy, computer science, and linguistics, with an emphasis on interaction between fields. There will be two plenary evening talks for a wider audience.

In addition, there will be student sessions in the late afternoon/early evening. The student session is a forum for students at all levels (Bachelor, Master or PhD) to present original research to the audience. We plan a "mentoring" program in which selected students will be assigned to one of the lecturers for informal interaction and research/career discussions.
We invite submissions of abstracts of original, unpublished papers from students in the area of logic, language and computation. Submissions will be reviewed by several experts in the field. Authors of accepted papers will be invited to present in the student session, and a selected number of them will be provided with free reasonable accommodation.

Instruction for Authors:
Students are invited to submit an abstract of maximum 5 pages on any topic in logic, language and computation. The abstract should be written in properly readable English, and must be in PDF format that is to be submitted using our EasyChair website.

Important Dates:
April 1, 2014 - deadline for short abstracts of papers (at most 5 pages)
April 20, 2014 - notification date of acceptance/rejection of the papers

6 different courses will be offered, covering logic, philosophy, computer science, and linguistics, with an emphasis on the interaction between those fields. Course title, reading materials, and the final schedule will come soon.

Logic and Quantum Information: Samson Abramsky (Oxford University),
Logic and Computation: Phokion Kolaitis (UC Santa Cruz)
Logic and Language: Larry Moss (Indiana University)
Formal Philosophy: Wesley Holliday (UC Berkeley)
Philosophical Logic: Alexandru Baltag and Sonja Smets (The University of Amsterdam)
Mathematical Logic: Jouko Väänänen (The University of Helsinki)


2014-02-28 11:54:39 - http://www.ems86.com/
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